Say Hi to 2015

'What?..... What?.... What?......' slapping my face over and over.
'2015, already?' freakily question myself.
I turn to my fingers and begin counting 'September 2012, 2013, 2014 and now…. 2015?'
Oh my God!
Tetttttttttttttt………….. (The screen is shut down)

It takes days to think and reevaluate what has happened the past two and a half years. Still, the questions remain unanswered. If there is any answer coming out, that would be 'the last two years have been a waste!'
'Who am I?' as if you just woke up and find yourself in somebody's corpse. And now, you are the zombie.
Or you could just say that you just got back to your own body and peculiarly felt that you were not there two years ago. You begin questioning yourself 'who then played my role?'
'Oh… If I could rewind the moments I would have done something worth all my life'
Suddenly a wise man approached you saying
'hey, young man!' 'why are you so depressed?'
You begin elaborating your story and he gave you a little advice,
'life is not about being good all the time, you know, but how much you have tried to be good, that is the point!'
You felt as if you knew what that message stands for! You don't think it's necessary to repeat it again. And, you smile!
'Thank you!' and you just…. walk away...

'How do you react upon knowing that many years have passed and you are still the same?
Or, what is it to you to know that the year is going to end in the very short future?
Have you ever questioned yourself why the government gives you one day off in every beginning of the year which you call the new year?
What do you do in that one day off? Throw a big party? Get drunk? And then what? Does it make any difference?'

Let's take the end of this year rethinking what has happened in our world. Not to depress ourselves but to put ourselves in such a positive situation. Be honest for a matter of time and admit the truth that you have done nothing or if you really did something very good, keep doing it or even do more. It is not merely about job but more about spirituality. Happiness is the important case here. Spiritual happiness not just humanly desire. Do you feel happier now than before or even the opposite. The last thing that we could do as human being is just simply praying and hoping that our lives could worth more.

Hi…. 2015
I welcome you openheartedly,
I hope we could draw smile in our face more in the following days and weeks and months and years….. :) :)

Updated on the night of the changing year
The last two days have been a very special day in my life. I can't thank enough my Allah for making this happened. Thank you Allah… I love you even more… The end of this year I can finally feel and see the result of the difficult of old days. I can finally prove the trueness of the saying "If you are patient, you will be granted."
I tell you what: the snow is falling down outside, now. I can clearly see the beauty of that white being. It softens your cussedness that you have as a human being. It just falls like the hair of Rapunzel. So overwhelming.