Ramadan Proves that Islam is A Very Thoughtful Religion

courtesy of http://www.vocfm.co.za/
Once is a year muslims around the world are celebrating Ramadan, a month where the muslim people fast from down to sunset. That would be the very simplest definition of ramadhan. If you ask the muslims about Ramadan, they will immidiately tell you that Ramadan is so much more than just not eating and not drinking from down to sunset. It's a month of the purification of soul. Your soul will be purified by avoiding any sorts of temptation: temptation to eat, temptation to drink, sexual temptation, tempting to talk ill of others etc. This is the real meaning of Ramadan. It purifies you from your past wrong-doings.

In addition, during Ramadan the muslim also goes to the mosque at night after isya prayer, to do a special prayer called tarawih. This prayer is only conducted during the holy month of Ramadan. The rakaat differs from one place to another, some do it 23 rakaat including the witir, others do it 11 rakaat. Despite these differences they are doing it for the same purpose, they want to reconncet with their khalik (the creator).

By the end of this festivity, the people are required to pay their zakat al-fitr or the tax of the soul. The money or food (normally it is paid in a form of rice in Indonesia, but then again it is strongly advised to pay it with the primary food in the country) will then be shared to the people who are on the list of eligible people to receive this. They are the poor, the needy, the collectors of zakat, the reconciliation of heart, for freeing captives, the debtors, the fighter who fights in the way of God, and the traveler.

If anything this whole ritual tells us, it tells us how beautiful this religion is. It not only concerns to the well being of its people, but it also invites us to question what this whole thing is designed for.

Islamic teaching always advocates two things: "hablu minaAllah wa hablu minannas" to have a good relationship with the creator, and also to have a good relationship among people. The realization of this message can be clearly seen in the ritual of Ramadan, where the people are made to purify his/her self, his/her soul, to reconnect with Allah, and then it doesn't forget to help in reconnecting people. These are the message of ramadan, among other thing.

A research proves that fasting during Ramadan does not only succeed in fulfilling the message itself, but it also shows a positive effect health-wise. People who fast are likely to have improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol, insuline sensitivity and etc.

In terms of socio-economy, we can see how Islam also takes care of its people. It teaches the people to care about the other people around them by sharing a small amount of their wealth to the needy people. Yet, it is not a free thing. It is repaid with a purified version of your self and your soul. Thus, Islam shows it is not only a religion, it is a way of life. Islam teaches so much positivity, as oppose to the negative things that media often associate this beautiful thing with.

Happy Ramadan. May Allah accept all our good deeds and our duas. Ameen..