Promise you would never ask these questions to your foreign friends!

Taken randomly from

 As global citizens we might, sometimes, see foreigners come across the front street of our home or we, as well, might go abroad or travel around the world. Different culture and costume are things that we have to deal with, whenever we go to visit a new place. Everything will be going good if we know how to treat people, who come to our place, and or to fit with the local customs, if we are the one who visit the new place. Here are the lists of disgusting questions that I, my self, have experienced and I write it because I don’t want it to be experienced by you all guys.

1.      Which one is the best “here” or “there?”
You know, nobody would say their homeland is bad even if the fact says it is bad. If you really want to know the truth about his country, you can just ask it to uncle google!. Come one! This is electronic era. You can find everything you want through internet. Despite of bothering him, it is better for you to listen carefully about where he/she comes from and write it down if it is needed. When you have time you can search it on internet! 

2.      Do you have this “thing” in your county?
There is some exception for this question. You can ask it only for something that you are sure that thing is about to extinct, unless it is better not to ask it. Especially for electronic or food kind of stuff. The food might different, he/she might don’t have it because of cultural thing, but don’t force him as if he has to have it unless he will die. That’s so disgusting. 

3.      Is your country located in “Africa?”
Don’t guess where his/her county’s location if you’re not sure with your geographical skill! you can, again, see it on internet. It will be so hurtful for him/her if you guess the wrong name/place. 

4.      Why are you here, don’t you have university in your county?
Come one? Don’t you ever hear study abroad kind of stuff? Oh go to the hell!

5.      Are you here because of war?
Oh gosh! You broke that people heart. Even if it is, please don’t state it loudly. They’ve been lamenting for what’s happening and you’re not helping. Even you make it worse.

6.      Force him to agree that your country is the best!
It is your right to be a nationalist but don’t force foreigners to accept your idea that your country is the best. Just keep it in your mind and reflect it in your daily behavior. Because if you love your country, you would never make ashamed of your country. You will create a good image for your country and make people know it through your good behavior. 

7.    Force him to understand you, language speaking or in arguing something, while you don’t want to know his struggle at all.
This is so bad. As an open-minded and international people we have to expect ourselves as someone who should understand them. At least you should know English a little so that you can communicate with them.
“You are the one who should understand my language, me not.” Don’t say this, ever!

So far these are the urgent ones, but if I find something else I will write it down. The better society for the world!